Friday, August 08, 2008

The Opening

Nothing tugs at my heart more than the Olympics. I love, love, love the games. There's something so pure and inspiring about sports. I know there are controversies. (drugs, politics, and all other issues.) But, to me, this is a time to really reflect on the amazing nature of sport. It brings people together. Sport pushes people to be the best they can be. And even when medals are not in reach. And victory is not an issue. One can reach out and be the best they can possibly be.

That is the truth of sport. It bring people together. It crosses boundaries. And the stories of the athletes make us realize how small this world really is.

I know, I'm 2 gin and tonics in. But I truly believe in sports as a diplomatic force. Perhaps I'm an idealist who thinks the Olympics are for the love of sport. (not money or glory or fame.) But I refuse to give that up. I refuse to lose the feeling I have when I see the US team march into the stadium. I refuse to stop getting goose bumps when NBC airs the stories of the amazing athletes who have overcome all odds to have their one moment in time.

That's what the Olympics are to me. One moment in time. To be the very best an athlete can be. That means finishing first and finishing last. But it absolutely means finishing. I am forever inspired by their stories and their determination. I am forever in debt to the Olympians who remind me that there is still honor and grace in this world. And that not all feeling can be bought and sold.

May all Olympians be fleet of foot and strong of arm. And may the best athlete win!


Blogger IrishGirlieKnits said...

I have that idealist vision of the Olympics too! Plus so many memories from watching the Olympics with family and friends (I sooooo was going to be Mary Lou Retton when I was little! I even had the matching leotard!). Here's to 17 days of Olympics (and Michael Phelps!)!

11:44 PM  
Blogger Knitting Kris said...

YEAH for the swimmers! I love to watch men's swimming, so I'm all for Michael Phelps and the whole heap of them. I will miss seeing that Thorpedo though!
I LOVE THE OLMPICS!! I cry during those stories of courage.
I know in my heart some of it is sensationalism, but I still love it!

3:22 AM  
Blogger Dawn said...

Since I read your post just keep hearing that song.."one moment in time...":) We're definetly watching the swimming...go Phelps! Can't wait to watch his splash! My son is wanting a tshirt he found that has a football, softball and basketball on it, then it has big x's over them and says "quit playing with your balls and swim." I love it and think its hilarious but don't know if an 11 yr old should wear it! So funny!

6:48 AM  
Blogger Marisol said...

I couldn't agree with you more! I love the Olympics too. There is something very humbling about people that strive to do their very best simply for the love of the sport. You are absolutely right it is very unifying and wonderful in how it crosses boundaries worldwide!

7:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love to watch the opening ceremony more than anything. I too love to wait to see all the athletes march into the stadium. I was a little disappointed int he US team they weren't smiling much nor did they look as excited as 2/3 of the other 213 countries when they walked out. But still...

10:43 AM  
Blogger Montreal Mama said...

I didn't even watch the Olympics this year. I just wasn't into it.

7:00 PM  

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