Friday, May 02, 2008

This Crazy Week

It has been a very crazy week. Sorry I've been AWOL but you really won't believe all that's been going on.

Monday- Found out I passed my exit test. You already know that.

Tuesday- Shopped madly for an interview outfit. And went to kickboxing.

Wednesday- Returned 1/2 of what I bought on Tuesday and fretted about interview. And went to kickboxing.

Went to interview at #2 hospital. And... wait for it... they offered me A JOB!!! AND (this is the best part) they are letting me continue to interview at their other campus (#1 hospital) while they hold a spot for me. SQUEAL!!!!!! I'm almost crying writing this. I will actually be employed at one of my top choice hospitals when I'm done with this crazy year. They have a fantastic training program that's like mini nursing school. Plus, they are just a wonderful hospital. Amazing! Skipped kickboxing in favor of drinks with my friend to celebrate.

Today- Other hospital (#3) called me to ask for an interview. So I'm going to talk to them and see what they have to offer. I'm just over the moon. I don't know why I'm so blessed but this week I really see that things are coming together. And I'm so grateful. Thank you all for putting me in your thoughts this week. There is definitely positive energy coming toward me right now.

A bunch of my friends are also starting to get interviews. So good vibes for them too!

Along with good job things I got good mail! I received a package from South Africa.

Wren Bag

I told you I love bags! This is from the wren's shop on etsy. I love it. Big enough to hold everything I need without looking like luggage.

Check out the inside...

Wren Bag Inside

There are pockets that you can't really see sewn in for my phone, a pen, etc. She even included a little lavender sachet to the package smelled fabulous!

I'm back in the hospital for 12 hours tomorrow and Sunday. BTW, my preceptorship is at #1 hospital. So I'm still hopeful that a position there will work out. But the huge pressure of employment has lifted. It's a very bright, sunny day!



Blogger PurlingPirate said...

I am soooo happy for you!!!

5:09 PM  
Blogger peaknits said...

Hurray! What a great week! You are well on your way! You have the best bags too!

5:39 PM  
Blogger Adrienne said...

YAY!! Congratulations! So glad to hear that everything is coming together for you just as you wanted. =)

6:07 PM  
Blogger sharon said...

WOOT (to quote you earlier)
That is awesome - and yes we are redheads that tan ever so slightly.

6:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay! I'm so happy for you!
Love the new bag, it's really pretty : )

7:26 PM  
Blogger IrishGirlieKnits said...

Yay!! All your hard work has paid off!! Let the yarn buying begin (oopss....did I just enable?!).

8:28 PM  
Blogger Lovs2Knit said...

Congrats! Squeeee! Big Hugs! Glad to hear that there's a little less to stress about. :~)
I'm still sending out good vibes for your friends.

Cute bag!

8:37 PM  
Blogger Dawn said...

I'm sooooo proud of you...just did a big squeeeel and happy dance for you! Awesome you're getting the hospital you were wanting. Love the bag, perfect to carry all your stuff for your new job! Hugs!

5:47 AM  
Blogger Batty said...

Congratulations! It sounds like things are going well for you.

6:05 PM  
Blogger Linda said...

Well done, you deserve it with all that hard work!! I love the bags too. :)

11:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am SO happy to hear things are looking so bright for you on the employment front. Congrats on passing teh exit exam, and good luck picking a job...sounds like you're going to have plenty to choose from! :)

9:12 AM  
Blogger Knitting Kris said...

I told you so, I told you so! I mean that in the nicest teasing way possible! :) I'm sure you'll get a job offer from #1 hospital too, especially with your preceptorship there. AND, you gotta love those 12 hour shifts. If you work it right, you can have 3 of them, and then 4 days off! :)
Love the bag!

3:23 AM  
Blogger KnittingMoose said...

That's really fantastic news, congratulations!

4:28 AM  
Blogger chemgrrl said...

Holy crap, dude! That's rock awesome! Congrats! Hey maybe you can get both places in a bidding war over you and end up with better pay than the doctors and three months of vacation a year. Too much?

LOVE the bag. Fabulous.

9:54 AM  
Blogger Minerva Turkey said...

YAH! I am so happy for you. See, good karma does exist. :)

4:08 PM  
Blogger Morticcia said...

That is awesome news! Things will fall into place for you, for sure. It's nice to have that load off of one's shoulders.

I love that bag! The colors are fabulous.

8:55 AM  
Blogger kathy b said...

Yup, nurses, choices, it is what its all about. Happy happy week. LOVE the bag that traveled so far to live with you. Great inside color.

12:13 PM  

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