Sunday, November 04, 2007

Knitting Resumed

So here's what happened. Somehow when I was watching Sopranos on DVD last night, I got off a stitch in the lace pattern in the EZ pattern Baby Sweater on two needles from The Knitter's Almanac. Then, I callously pulled the needles out and tried to put the stitches back on. That didn't work. And I got frustrated. So the sweater went into time out. Today, after ACLS (which I passed with flying colors, YAY!), I took out a smaller needle, carefully tinked back, and I added yarn overs when needed. Thank goodness!

EZ Baby Sweater- Fixed

Here's the sweater so far. I'm knitting it in Sundara Sock Lenten Rose sock yarn. I really like the dusty purple for a little girl. It's a little more unexpected. Brian's cousin has a new baby girl, Eleanor. So I'm furiously knitting so she isn't too big by the time I get this done.

I also received October's Swag from Scout.

Scout's Swag- Ballooney

Scout's Swag in Ballooney. Love the colors! And it came with a cool pattern from Lisa Shobhana Mason.

For those wondering, ACLS stands for Advanced Cardiac Life Support. It's not required for school but if I want to work in the ICU (which I do), it's a good certification to have. The professors at school tried to discourage us from taking it. But I really don't want to be cramming it in at the end of the year when I'm worried about the board exam.

Finally, remember that bucket of candy? Yeah- I had 0 trick or treaters. So Brian and I are slowly working through it. What diet????

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Blogger peaknits said...

That sweate r- after much exasperation - looks great, even in a little pile - nice. Congrats on the test!! Wish I lived closer, I would love to trick or treat you tonight for some of the spoils in that big bucket!

3:41 PM  
Blogger Dawn said...

Great job on your test! California state boards are a pain in the butt get whatever you can done now! What do professors know anyways! heehee :) Awesome job girlie! Keep up the great work! The sweater is beautiful too, love the color!

3:47 PM  
Blogger Emma said...

Congrats! Your Ballooney is beautiful.

4:20 PM  
Blogger Minerva Turkey said...

Congrats! I say reward yourself with some of that yummy candy. It's bad to waste food right?!?

We have a ton of left over trick or treat candy too. We only had 5, yes 5 trick or treaters.

4:30 PM  
Blogger Lovs2Knit said...

Congrats on passing your exam.
Glad to hear that the sweater is behaving now.
I had tons of trick or treaters but I have a kiddo that brought home candy. The temptation is still there. :~)

7:23 PM  
Blogger Linda said...

The lace sweater looks a great pattern and isn't that lovely yarn from Scouts Swag!

11:37 PM  
Blogger Offshore Wife said...

Divine sock yarn. I must hop over and have a look.

1:20 AM  
Blogger Tina said...

We had 4 trickortreaters last year, and one this year. Are kids on diets or what?

The baby sweater looks divine - good job on saving the work! I love your choice of yarn.

12:25 PM  
Blogger KnittingMoose said...

Oooh, pretty sweater! Glad you got back on track with it. I know how that is...believe me! Congratulations on the test, too!

6:04 PM  

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